


Mulherin, Brenda L., et al. "Retrospective Evaluation of Canine and Feline Maxillomandibular Trauma Cases; Comparison of Lunar Cycle and Seasonality with Non-maxillomandibular Traumatic Injuries (2003-2012)." Veterinary and comparative orthopaedics and t ... もっと読む

Mulherin, Brenda L., et al. "Retrospective Evaluation of Canine and Feline Maxillomandibular Trauma Cases; Comparison of Lunar Cycle and Seasonality with Non-maxillomandibular Traumatic Injuries (2003-2012)." Veterinary and comparative orthopaedics and t ... もっと読む

BAR‐AM, Y. O. A. V., et al. "The diagnostic yield of conventional radiographs and computed tomography in dogs and cats with maxillofacial trauma." Veterinary surgery 37.3 (2008): 294-299.PubMedリンク PMID:18394078本文:無料公開なしタイトル: 顎顔面の ... もっと読む

Lopes, Fernanda M., et al. "Oral fractures in dogs of Brazil—a retrospective study." Journal of veterinary dentistry 22.2 (2005): 86-90.PubMedリンク PMID:16149386本文:googlescholarからresearchgateで入手可能(全文) タイトル:ブラジルの犬における口腔 ... もっと読む
