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Rigas, K., et al. "Mast cell tumours in dogs less than 12 months of age: a multi‐institutional retrospective study." Journal of Small Animal Practice 61.7 (2020): 449-457.PubMedリンク PMID:32715502本文:無料公開なしタイトル:12ヶ月齢以下の犬の肥満細 ... もっと読む

Marconato, Laura, et al. "Adjuvant medical therapy provides no therapeutic benefit in the treatment of dogs with low‐grade mast cell tumours and early nodal metastasis undergoing surgery." Veterinary and Comparative Oncology (2020).PubMedリンク PMID: ... もっと読む

Moore, Antony S., et al. "Retrospective outcome evaluation for dogs with surgically excised, solitary Kiupel high‐grade, cutaneous mast cell tumours." Veterinary and Comparative Oncology (2020).PubMedリンク PMID:31916687本文:無料公開なしタイトル:孤 ... もっと読む

Pecceu, Evi, et al. "Ultrasound is a poor predictor of early or overt liver or spleen metastasis in dogs with high‐risk mast cell tumours." Veterinary and comparative oncology 18.3 (2020): 389-401.PubMedリンク PMID:31863546本文:googlescholar経由で入 ... もっと読む

De Ridder, Thomas R., et al. "Randomized controlled clinical study evaluating the efficacy and safety of intratumoral treatment of canine mast cell tumors with tigilanol tiglate (EBC‐46)." Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine (2020).PubMedリンク PM ... もっと読む

Horta, Rodrigo S., et al. "Assessment of canine mast cell tumor mortality risk based on clinical, histologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular features." Veterinary pathology 55.2 (2018): 212-223.PubMedリンク PMID:29338615本文:無料公開あり(全文) ... もっと読む

Sabattini, Silvia, and Giuliano Bettini. "Grading Cutaneous Mast Cell Tumors in Cats." Veterinary pathology (2018): 0300985818800028.PubMedリンク PMID:30244666本文:無料公開あり(全文)タイトル:猫の皮膚肥満細胞腫のグレード分類==アブストラクト=== ... もっと読む

Pizzoni, S., et al. "Features and prognostic impact of distant metastases in 45 dogs with de novo stage IV cutaneous mast cell tumours: a prospective study." Veterinary and comparative oncology 16.1 (2018): 28-36.PubMedリンク PMID:29338615本文:無料公 ... もっと読む

Evans, B. J., et al. "Treatment outcomes and prognostic factors of feline splenic mast cell tumors: A multi‐institutional retrospective study of 64 cases." Veterinary and comparative oncology 16.1 (2018): 20-27.PubMedリンク PMID:28168776本文:無料公 ... もっと読む

Shaw, T., S. T. Kudnig, and S. M. Firestone. "Diagnostic accuracy of pre‐treatment biopsy for grading cutaneous mast cell tumours in dogs." Veterinary and comparative oncology 16.2 (2018): 214-219.PubMedリンク PMID:28857446本文:無料公開なし ==ア ... もっと読む

Barrett, L. E., et al. "Outcome following treatment of feline gastrointestinal mast cell tumours." Veterinary and comparative oncology 16.2 (2018): 188-193.PubMedリンク PMID:28560846本文:無料公開なしタイトル:猫の消化管肥満細胞腫の治療後の転帰==ア ... もっと読む

Fournier, Q., et al. "Impact of Pretreatment Neutrophil Count on Chemotherapy Administration and Toxicity in Dogs with Lymphoma Treated with CHOP Chemotherapy." Journal of veterinary internal medicine 32.1 (2018): 384-393.PubMedリンク PMID:29194765本文 ... もっと読む

Skor, O., et al. "Pretreatment leukocyte ratios and concentrations as predictors of outcome in dogs with cutaneous mast cell tumours." Veterinary and comparative oncology (2016).PubMedリンク本文:無料公開なしタイトル:皮膚肥満細胞腫の犬における転帰の予 ... もっと読む

Milovancev, Milan, et al. "Shaved margin histopathology and imprint cytology for assessment of excision in canine mast cell tumors and soft tissue sarcomas." Veterinary Surgery (2017).PubMedリンク本文:無料公開なしタイトル:犬の肥満細胞腫と軟部組織肉腫 ... もっと読む

Rassnick, Kenneth M., et al. "Lomustine for treatment of mast cell tumors in cats: 38 cases (1999–2005)." Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 232.8 (2008): 1200-1205.PubMedリンク本文:無料公開なし==アブストラクト===目的:肥満細 ... もっと読む

Kraus, Kelly A., et al. "Outcome and Prognostic Indicators in Cats Undergoing Splenectomy for Splenic Mast Cell Tumors." Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 51.4 (2015).PubMedリンク本文:無料公開なし==アブストラクト=== この研究は脾 ... もっと読む

Berger, Erika P., et al. "Retrospective evaluation of toceranib phosphate (Palladia) use in cats with mast cell neoplasia." Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (2017): 1098612X17695898.リンク本文:無料公開なし==アブストラクト===目的:この研究の ... もっと読む

Sabattini, Silvia, et al. "Feline intestinal mast cell tumours: clinicopathological characterisation and KIT mutation analysis." Journal of feline medicine and surgery 18.4 (2016): 280-289.PubMedリンク本文:googlescholarからreseachgateで入手可能(PDF) ... もっと読む

Sabattini, S., and G. Bettini. "Prognostic value of histologic and immunohistochemical features in feline cutaneous mast cell tumors." Veterinary pathology 47.4 (2010): 643-653.PubMedリンク本文:無料公開あり(PDF)==アブストラクト===猫皮膚肥満細胞 ... もっと読む

Sabattini, S., et al. "Prognostic significance of Kit receptor tyrosine kinase dysregulations in feline cutaneous mast cell tumors." Veterinary pathology 50.5 (2013): 797-805.PubMedリンク本文:無料公開(PDF)==アブストラクト=== 猫皮膚肥満細胞腫(F ... もっと読む
